Technology to unite the world of pigeon racing

As a global leader in the field of pigeon clock technology, BENZING’s name has been associated with precision timing and the highest quality craftsmanship for over a century and a half.
BENZING is represented in more than 60 countries worldwide. BENZING develelops since 150 years systems for the pigeon sport.
Follow your passion for pigeon racing with BENZING’s dedicated, world-leading technology!
Today its electronic clocks are used all over the world by passionate independent pigeon fanciers, professional clubs and large race organisers.
Through our global network of partners, we guarantee our customers excellent service and rapid availability.
The BENZING M1 and BENZING Express G2 clocks are amongst the most popular, trusted and most used pigeon clocks worldwide, while the new M3 incorporates the best of these two models with new and an unrivalled interface and functionality.
With a trusted BENZING product in their hands, you know you’re benefiting from the best and most accurate pigeon technology and race data, delivered by a company that’s spent decades honing its products and understanding fanciers’ needs
With the launch of MyPigeons we identified a need for a completely integrated software solution for the pigeon racing market. Since then, hundreds of clubs around the world have adopted our Cloud-based software, and all of them agree it has transformed their day-to-day club operations and made the pigeon-racing experience much more exciting and enjoyable for their members.
Blue N°1
In 2021, BENZING introduced the Blue N°1 solution, a ground-breaking supplement designed to boost the immunity and performance of pigeons.
Very proud of the new BENZING Live Smart Hub which represents a world first for this global sport.
It’s the first platform to allow pigeon fanciers across the world to go online and access all data related to clocked pigeons in real time and compare their data with others.
Golden Award BENZING M3
The BENZING M3 has received the “Golden Award” in the “Most Innovative Product” category at the Olympics in Poznań, Poland: The BENZING M3 – the new generation of the pigeon clock. The upgrade to Masterclass.
MyPigeons – Professional Race Results for pigeon fanciers
Another step with MyPigeons, which is is the ultimate online software for racing pigeon federations, clubs and fanciers around the world. With this online management system, you can view custom race results, competitions, pigeon profiles, calculate distances, and so much more.
Building future traditions
2014 marked the beginning of a new era for BENZING, when the company was purchased by Gantner Solutions managing director and longstanding innovation driver, Michael Gantner M.Sc. returned to head BENZING’s operations. Under his leadership, BENZING’s established traditions have been further enhanced by pioneering moves in the pigeon racing sport.
150 years anniversary
BENZING celebrates its 150th anniversary. BENZING is still focused on taking the pigeon sport to the next level. The BENZING Live is released, connecting your BENZING M1 to the Internet and broadcasting all your race results onto the BENZING Live portal. For the first time in pigeon sport, you can instantly compare your race results with your fellow pigeon friends also using BENZING Live.
BENZING Express G2
In early 2008, the old Express clock was discontinued and BENZING released a new low cost electronic pigeon clock called BENZING Express G2, which is one of the best-selling electronic timers in the world to date!
The first milestone for live data online and broadcast of all your race results. Our real-time evaluation and online transmission of arrival data began for the first time in 2012 with the first product, the u0022BENZING Connectu0022. The first step into the future.
New ClubSystem
Release of a new version of the club antenna, the BENZING Clubsystem, the first club unit with an integrated antenna for basketing pigeons.
In 2004, the old pigeon clock ATIS TOP was replaced by the new clock BENZING M1. To this day, the BENZING M1 is still the best pigeon clock in the pigeon sport. For the first time it is possible to clock up to 1000 pigeons in a single race!
GANTNER initiated a low cost pigeon clock, which led to the marketing of the first Express clock in 2001.
Takeover by GANTNER
In 1996 the Austrian company GANTNER ELECTRONIC GmbH acquired the pigeon clocking business from BENZING and developed a fully electronic pigeon timing system named ATIS TOP. The first ATIS TOP club antenna was released to synchronize all electronic clocks. This new pigeon timer put BENZING even further ahead of the flock in the pigeon sport market, and established the company as a true pioneer in the field of electronic pigeon clocking.
Electric clock mechanism
Launch of the first BENZING Computerised Clock. Its novelties were an electric display on the clock and an electric clock mechanism. When the pigeon arrived, the fancier still had to remove the rubber band from the pigeon’s leg and place it into one of the holes on top of the clock.
BENZING Elite with its first Quartz Clock mechanism
Birth of the BENZING Elite, the first clock with a quartz clock mechanism. The capacity for clocked pigeons was increased to 30.
Mechanical Clock
Creation of the BENZING Comatic, the first mechanical pigeon clock made of steel instead of a wooden case. Up to 25 clocked pigeons were possible.
Friedrich Ernst Jakob
Around 1890, his grandson Friedrich Ernst Jakob started to build clocks for the pigeon sport and in doing so encouraged pigeon racing to spread all over the world. For decades these mechanical clocks, of the best-possible quality, were manufactured and constantly adapted to the needs of pigeon fanciers.
It starts with u003cbru003eFriedrich BENZING
Independent clockmaker Friedrich Benzing started making decorative clocks in Villingen, Southern Germany.
Very proud of the new BENZING Live Smart Hub which represents a world first for this global sport.
It’s the first platform to allow pigeon fanciers across the world to go online and access all data related to clocked pigeons in real time and compare their data with others.
Golden Award BENZING M3
The BENZING M3 has received the “Golden Award” in the “Most Innovative Product” category at the Olympics in Poznań, Poland: The BENZING M3 – the new generation of the pigeon clock. The upgrade to Masterclass.
MyPigeons – Professional Race Results for pigeon fanciers
Another step with MyPigeons, which is is the ultimate online software for racing pigeon federations, clubs and fanciers around the world. With this online management system, you can view custom race results, competitions, pigeon profiles, calculate distances, and so much more.
Building future traditions
2014 marked the beginning of a new era for BENZING, when the company was purchased by Gantner Solutions managing director and longstanding innovation driver, Michael Gantner M.Sc. returned to head BENZING’s operations. Under his leadership, BENZING’s established traditions have been further enhanced by pioneering moves in the pigeon racing sport.
150 years anniversary
BENZING celebrates its 150th anniversary. BENZING is still focused on taking the pigeon sport to the next level. The BENZING Live is released, connecting your BENZING M1 to the Internet and broadcasting all your race results onto the BENZING Live portal. For the first time in pigeon sport, you can instantly compare your race results with your fellow pigeon friends also using BENZING Live.
BENZING Express G2
In early 2008, the old Express clock was discontinued and BENZING released a new low cost electronic pigeon clock called BENZING Express G2, which is one of the best-selling electronic timers in the world to date!
The first milestone for live data online and broadcast of all your race results. Our real-time evaluation and online transmission of arrival data began for the first time in 2012 with the first product, the u0022BENZING Connectu0022. The first step into the future.
New ClubSystem
Release of a new version of the club antenna, the BENZING Clubsystem, the first club unit with an integrated antenna for basketing pigeons.
In 2004, the old pigeon clock ATIS TOP was replaced by the new clock BENZING M1. To this day, the BENZING M1 is still the best pigeon clock in the pigeon sport. For the first time it is possible to clock up to 1000 pigeons in a single race!
GANTNER initiated a low cost pigeon clock, which led to the marketing of the first Express clock in 2001.
Takeover by GANTNER
In 1996 the Austrian company GANTNER ELECTRONIC GmbH acquired the pigeon clocking business from BENZING and developed a fully electronic pigeon timing system named ATIS TOP. The first ATIS TOP club antenna was released to synchronize all electronic clocks. This new pigeon timer put BENZING even further ahead of the flock in the pigeon sport market, and established the company as a true pioneer in the field of electronic pigeon clocking.
Electric clock mechanism
Launch of the first BENZING Computerised Clock. Its novelties were an electric display on the clock and an electric clock mechanism. When the pigeon arrived, the fancier still had to remove the rubber band from the pigeon’s leg and place it into one of the holes on top of the clock.
BENZING Elite with its first Quartz Clock mechanism
Birth of the BENZING Elite, the first clock with a quartz clock mechanism. The capacity for clocked pigeons was increased to 30.
Mechanical Clock
Creation of the BENZING Comatic, the first mechanical pigeon clock made of steel instead of a wooden case. Up to 25 clocked pigeons were possible.
Friedrich Ernst Jakob
Around 1890, his grandson Friedrich Ernst Jakob started to build clocks for the pigeon sport and in doing so encouraged pigeon racing to spread all over the world. For decades these mechanical clocks, of the best-possible quality, were manufactured and constantly adapted to the needs of pigeon fanciers.
It starts with Friedrich BENZING
Independent clockmaker Friedrich Benzing started making decorative clocks in Villingen, Southern Germany.